Cowley LTN survey Oct 2021

In October 2021, the Parish Council did a door-to-door survey of over 500 households in Littlemore about the Church Cowley Low Traffic Neighbourhood installed in March 2021.


The aim of this questionnaire and analysis was to get a better understanding of the effect of the Church Cowley (LTN) on the residents of Littlemore, the majority of which live outside the LTN.

This report was be given to the relevant county council officers before the official consultation closed. The dataset has also been anonymised and made open source so others can analyse it further if they wish.

Executive summary

We have surveyed 20% of Littlemore parish (525 out of around 2600 households) about the Church Cowley LTN and found that:

  • 60% of households want the LTN removed
  • 52% are in favour of reducing traffic in Littlemore
  • 9% of households have had an increase in active travel since the LTN’s installation
  • 12% have had a decrease in number of car journeys 
  • 4% have had a detectable modal shift from cars to active travel
  • 55% of households have no active travel (both before and after the LTN’s installation)
  • The least controversial filter is in Liddell Road, the most popular one is in Beauchamp Lane and the most hated are those in Littlemore and Bartholomew Roads

More information

You can find all the data, analysis and support docs here.

You can read the report here.