Neighbourhood Plan

A neighbourhood plan for Littlemore

We hope that as many people as possible who live, study or work in Littlemore will assist in creating a Neighbourhood Plan for Littlemore. It is a good way for everyone in Littlemore, whatever their views, to come together to try and make Littlemore an even better place to live.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is a statutory planning document which links with the Oxford City Local Plan but provides more of a local flavour. The aim of it is  to ensure that future development is in line with what local people want and think is appropriate for Littlemore Parish. Neighbourhood Plans contain two sorts of policy – strategic ones which directly affect planning applications and community ones which are more general to highlight possible improvements. The Plan has to be approved at a referendum, which we hope will be in 2025 but may not be until 2026. So it does not deal with immediate issues but should be of great benefit to Littlemore in the long-term.

The process can be lengthy and complex but we will try to keep people updated regularly through the Littlemore Local and the Parish Council website. We asked those who live, study or work in Littlemore to complete an Issues and Options survey in Summer 2023 and were pleased to receive 515 responses – thank you. During Autumn 2023 five policy groups drew up draft policies based on an analysis of these, statistics on Littlemore and discussions about the identity and character of Littlemore and how this may be affected over the next 15 years. In January 2024, the draft Plan was then written and in February 2024 the Parish Council approved it for public consultation.

What happens next?

The pre-submission public consultation opened on May 7th and will run until 18th June 2024, though we will accept and take account of responses up until the end of June.

Where to find the necessary documents

All the necessary documents can be found here. These include;

  • The draft Plan. This is detailed (40 pages) and includes all the proposed policies.
  • A four-page summary. This includes brief summaries of the draft policies and guidance on how to respond online or on paper.
  • A two-page form for paper responses including the addresses to which they should be returned.
  • Alternatively, you can respond to the consultation online. This is especially useful if you wish to make detailed responses.

Paper copies are available in various community venues locally. We can attend local events to answer any queries and help with responses and will be holding a drop-in session at the Fun Day on Saturday June 15th.

We have put posters up to publicise the consultation. If you know of any suitable events or places for these, and/or can help publicize the consultation, let us know as soon as possible at the email addresses below.

This is an important opportunity for everyone in Littlemore to send in their comments and suggestions, whatever their age, background and views. It will be helpful to have as many responses as possible. Please ensure that you respond, even if only briefly, and encourage neighbours, colleagues and friends to do so.

Please contact Tony Eaude on [email protected] or [email protected] if you can help or have any queries, and CC in the Clerk at [email protected]

We look forward to receiving responses by Tuesday June 18th, or as soon as possible after that until 30th June. Thank you.

June 2024